The Energized Couple Loves The Excitement That Comes From The Fossil And Mineral Business!
Supplying Museums, Collectors And Dealers – Now With Direct-To-Home Sales!
Rich has over 35 years’ experience hunting fossils, conservation and restoration and loves looking for the next great adventure or collections.
A vast majority of their sales have gone directly to retail establishments, galleries and giftshops. Their unique and rare treasures are featured in museums and galleries all over the United States, as well as, worldwide such as: Canada, Mexico, China, South Korea, Britain, France, and many more.
Now you have a chance to deal with them directly online as well as purchasing from them at the shows.
Our story
We have been collecting fossils for years. Eventually, we got into minerals and now have some amazing collectible items.
Today, we buy old mineral collections, clean them up, bring them to our shows, and share them with you. Many of our specimens were originally acquired in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s.