About us
Every Fossil And Mineral Has A Story

Rich provides old collections and exceptional real fossils and minerals that are often personally found. Rich enjoys the “thrill of the hunt” uncovering the full story of their fossil and mineral finds to make for a more enthralling exhibit.

In fact, Rich loves to get his “hands dirty” hiking up muddy creeks in waders, traveling to exotic locations, and sleeping in the back of a van alongside a dusty dirt road -- all looking for the next treasure. Of course, Lisa’s along for the ride as well!
This ensures you get the most authentic and stunning museum-quality fossils, as well as incredible stories of adventure to go alongside them! In fact, Rich and his collections have been featured in many books.

Additionally, thanks to extensive experience restoring fossils, Rich is a trusted authority on identifying repaired and fake fossils. People from all over rely on his expertise. Every item is nothing but the highest quality imaginable. Hagar’s Fossils and Minerals provide one-of-a-kind, fully transparent and educational purchasing experience -- marked with authenticity.
Consider it an additional assurance: when you are dealing with Hagar’s Fossils, every piece is nothing but the highest quality imaginable. Hagar’s Fossils provides a one-of-a-kind, fully transparent and educational purchasing experience -- marked with thorough and astonishing authenticity.

At the end of the day, you’ll truly appreciate working with this couple because they are just as enthusiastic about prehistoric fossils and minerals as you are, and they understand what really constitutes a great find.
The bottom line is this: their passion for fossils and minerals drives them to discover remarkable fossils and minerals of breathtaking quality, offer them for collector-friendly affordable prices, and provide authenticity with each and every item.